Innsbruck (Austria, 120,000 inhabitants) defined its 2025 Energy Plan back in 2009. In this context, and as part of SINFONIA, the city has selected its eastern district to demonstrate the large scale implementation of energy efficient measures, with the objective of achieving on average 40 – 50% primary energy savings in the demo sites and to increase at least by 30% the share of renewables in the district’s energy mix
About 66,000m² of residential and public buildings from the 30s-80s will be retrofitted to dramatically improve indoor quality and energy performance, and reduce final energy demand by up to 80%. Measures include:
The district heating network will be extended and optimised to increase the use of renewable energy sources by 95% and reduce the use of fossil fuel by 22%. Measures include:
Smart grids and smart home applications will combine demand and supply side measures to reduce the overall electricity demand by 3%. Buildings will be transformed to Smart Urban Model (SUM) houses. Measures include: