This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research,
technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 609019.
Deliverable D9.3 has three main objectives:
- To present the methodology, hypotheses and outcomes of the Life Cycle Analysis of the energy saving measures implemented in selected buildings in Bolzano (Italy) and in Innsbruck (Austria), based on the input data provided by the building owners, members of the SINFONIA consortium (analysis performed by DOWEL) .
- To present the methodology, hypotheses and outcomes of the Life Cycle Analysis of the measures carried out on the district heating networks in Bolzano and in Innsbruck, based on the input data provided by the local utilities Alperia and IKB, members of the SINFONIA consortium (analysis performed by RISE).
- To explore the applicability of LCA at the district scale.