WEBINAR | Data for citizens: using sensors and interactive totems to provide smart urban services

The city of Bolzano is one of the first smart cities in Italy. Within the framework of the EU-funded SINFONIA project, the Municipality collaborated with research centres and companies to design and implement an Urban Service-Oriented Sensible Grid (USOS-grid) that will improve mobility and expand the services offered to citizens.

Today, a network of over 100 “smart points” collects and gives real-time information on traffic and weather conditions that users can read on variable message signs; a smart lightening system automatically dims streetlights when no one is around to save energy and three multifunctional interactive totems give citizens and tourists alike the possibility to charge their bikes or electric cars while reading what’s going on in the city.

This last SINFONIA webinar offers an insight into the implementation of smart points and multi-functional interactive totems in Bolzano. The presentations will explore the process from the early phases of concept development and assessment of citizens’ needs, to the installation of the infrastructure and data monitoring.


- Smart Points: Concept and Implementation (Brunella Franchini – Transport office, Municipality of Bolzano)
- A choice experiment to assess the interest and willingness of citizens to multifunctional interactive totems (Adriano Bisello – Senior Researcher, Eurac Research)
- A Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) for the Positioning of integrated infrastructures (Pietro Zambelli – Senior Researcher, Eurac Research)